Second grade has had a fun and eventful second half of January! We are happy to announce that second grade has filled up their reward board and earned a party! We have also started individual reward charts for all of them to earn prizes for themselves. We have all of their names on a board that is displayed on our cart- and for each individual act of them showing kindness, listening, cleaning up, etc. we put a sticker to work towards earning their prize. This has just been recently been implemented, but we've already seen amazing progress!
LSA’s have also just begun and the kiddos look forward to it everyday! They do an amazing job getting to their location, being polite and meeting the group at their designated location. They all love informing us about what they did or made during their time upstairs.
This past two weeks second grade did fuse beads- which is always a group favorite and Doctor Dodge. Doctor Dodge is always an LEDP favorite and one of our go to gym games. We split the group into two teams and they are able to work together and pick a person to secretly be their doctor. The doctor's job is to save their friends who have gotten out and they take this job extremely seriously.
It has been nice for all to be able to get outside more and they love being able to play in the snow! Most kiddos have the appropriate clothing, but it has been pretty chilly while we are outside; if you would like to send more warmth with them, it will be very much appreciated!
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2nd Grade Families!
We were excited to welcome the kiddos back after the holiday break and it's been wonderful to hear all their amazing stories of how they celebrated their holidays with lots of family and friends!
We welcomed the kiddos back with many new activities. Still welcoming the winter weather, we had many winter themed activities such as, painting polar bears on canvases, making snowmen with a quilted background, making paper marshmallows with our favorite activities and "If We Lived in a Snow Globe," activity.
Unfortunately we had a week being stuck inside, so second grade spent a lot of their time in the gym. Although they were missing being outside, they thoroughly enjoyed having the extra time in the gym.
We are happy to have the kiddos back in this new year and we hope to fill our reward board soon!
Just a reminder, that as long as it is safe to do so, we will do our best to make it outside, even it it's for a brief time. So please send your kiddos with the proper winter attire. Thank you in advance :-)
During our short two weeks before December break the kiddos in second graders were able to get in the last moments of 2024. We had the mentors join our group with thrilling Minute-to-Win it games, which were a big hit in the group. They truly enjoyed having the mentors guide and cheer them on during this activity.
We then did many winter activities such as, salt painting snowflakes, making a snowstorm in a jar and a fun gym activity that allowed all the students to work together, along with beaded snowflakes.
The second graders have been working towards earning a party for their amazing behavior and we have been building our snowman in the LEDP room.
These past four weeks second grade ended the October fun with having their first mentoring session. They were all thrilled to be joined by the older kids to make Halloween plushies and were so excited to show their creations to their friends. Some of the kiddos were here for professional development day and they were able to interact with the older students and other staff members. During this day, the second graders that attended were ecstatic to be able to participate in the reptile show and had so many questions about the reptiles that were shown.
Starting the month of November, Pia and I were thrilled to be able to host parent’s night and we were extremely happy with the turnout. We loved having you all be able to see where your kiddos spend most of their time while in LEDP and loved seeing you all participate in the activities.
The second graders have found the love for group Mad Libs, being able to create funny little stories. Because of this we have started Mad Lib Mondays and the kiddos love participating. They have even started doing Mad Libs in their own little groups and they thoroughly enjoy sharing their creations with Pia and I.
Second grade also earned a pajama and stuffy day, with two fun surprises! They earned a movie and Shirley temples for their wonderful behavior for the months of September and October. They all loved showing Pia and I their special stuffies, and their comfy jammies. They had a great long and comfy day in LEDP and we hope to have another celebration soon!
A friendly reminder, since it is getting dark earlier, second grade will most likely be inside by 5:00. If you need any time changes for pick up, please email Mary and Janet so we can have your kiddo out at your desired time. We also would love to remind, that as it is getting colder out, to provide your child with the appropriate apparel.
These past two weeks second grade has welcomed the fall weather with many activities. Second graders have earned five pumpkins so far, to earn our way to a fun fall party. They all have been motivated to earn more pumpkins along with more field time which is a big hit in our group. The group started off by making pumpkins with oil pastels, slime, spooky cats, drawings of halloween costumes, and the biggest hit of them all the invisible handprints.
The invisible handprints that second graders created was our most popular project to date! They loved being able to become little scientists and show Pia and I how their creations turned out.
All of the second graders are loving the more freedom they have outside, being able to freely go from the playground to the field. Pia and I are thrilled to say that the second graders are doing amazing with letting us know where they will be and when they return to the playground. We have come a long way since the start of the year, and we are thrilled to see where the rest of the year takes us.
They have also all started LSA’s and are eager to go join them when they enter the LEDP room. They've done a great job at letting us know when they are leaving and when they return to the LEDP room. It is great to hear about their time during the LSA and all of the creations that they made that day.
We are excited to invite you all to our first Open House of the Year! We hope you can join us, Wednesday November 6th from 5:00- 5:45, in the Big LEDP Room! Please be on the lookout for more information via email! We hope to see you all there : )
Second grade has had a wonderful and exciting start to the new year at LEDP and I’m so happy to be reunited with this group of kiddos again! They’ve grown a lot since kindergarten and they’ve welcomed Pia with open arms right from the very start! One of the coolest parts of being in second grade in LEDP is that the group spends the first half of the day in the big room! With that space comes more responsibilities and opportunities, such as foosball and the loft castle, which the children have been doing a great job adjusting to.
We start off our days by taking attendance, then jumping right into reading and homework time. The next part of our day is everyone's favorite part- free choice and activity time! We have had a couple eager friends jump right into our art and science projects. Some highlights include “Leaf Crystals”, painting fall trees, and watercolor spiderwebs. The biggest hit of all the projects so far has been the fuse beads, which fills the room with joy when we occasionally bring them out. After free choice, the second graders eat snack. Following snack, we either will go outside, to the gym, or transition into another room. We have been taking advantage of being outside before the colder weather arrives.
Pia and I are thrilled to be the second-grade teachers this year and we are super excited to further build our relationships with the kiddos and make more memories as the year continues!